Communicating in a mobile, connected world : the impact of digital transformation on the University of Aveiro

Anabela Simões – ESTGA-UA, CLLC; Diana Correia, Maria Miranda & André Santos – ESTGA-UA
We are living in times of major change, and it is happening at an exponential rate. From neuro-technological brain enhancements and genetic editing to intelligent robots and everyday technological devices, we are amidst a revolution that is changing the way we live, work and communicate with each other (World Economic Forum, n.d.).
By combining the use of new equipment, platforms, networks and systems (Herbert, 2017), Digital Transformation (DT) is leading us to a new world where everything is connected, and information is displayed through digital channels that allow organisations’ key stakeholders to access it ever more easily and conveniently. The main objective of the present work is to analyse the impact of DT on the University of Aveiro (UA), with a special focus on the communication platforms and tools that allow students and staff a faster and easier access to information, as well as to a wide range of services such as, for example, cloud housing/hosting, information storage space or academic software licensing.Furthermore, with the objective of better understanding what were the most significant changes introduced in recent years regarding UA’s digital communication strategy, this work shall also present the results of an interview to a re presentative of the Communications, Image and Public Relations Services .
Keywords: digital transformation, eLearning platforms, higher education, organizational communication, information display apps.
Herbert, L. (2017). Digital transformation: Build Your Organization’s future for the innovation age. UK: Bloomsbury.
Quint, M., & Patiño, G. (2016). The Digital Transformation Playbook: Rethink Your Business for the Digital Age. Columbia Business School. Retrieved from
Rogers, D. (2016). The digital transformation playbook. New York: Columbia Business School.
Universidade de Aveiro (n.d.). UA. Digital:Diretório de Serviços. Retrieved from
World Economic Forum (n.d.). The Fourth Industrial Revolution, by Klaus Schwab. Retrieved from